Botany 2 Desciption

Name of Course: Botany 2

Learning Facilitator: Jojo

Number of Students: 9

Dates: October 20-January 16

Days we Meet: Thursday-Friday

Course Description:In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about botany. Botany means learning about plants. Plants are the only organisms that can make their own food and that’s called sugar or glucose. Plants make their own food is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis means plants take sunlight to make their own food. Plants make photosynthesis on the leaves. The organ in leaves works to make the food. In leaves have chloroplast and in chloroplast have chlorophyll. Plants take the carbon dioxide and lay out oxygen. During the day, they do photosynthesis. Plants have physical features. There are: roots, stem, leaves, fruits and flowers. In the stem there are two tubes. First tube is for sucking the food or it’s called nutrients and the second tube is for sucking the water. In our class we had the activity is growing the plants. Our resources were paper, plastic bag, water and seed. First we needed to​​ soak paper with water but not very wet and put the seed in it. Rub it not too tight and put in plastic bag. The plastic bag needed to be open for oxygen get in it and put at the place that have a sunlight. We need to put the water, unless the paper is dry. When the seed germinates like come out the stem, leaves, we take out from the paper and put in the soil.

Zoology A Description

Name of Course: Zoology

Learning Facilitator: Jojo

Number of Students: 12

Dates: Jan. 19 – March 27

Days we Meet: Monday and Tuesday

Course Description: In our class we learned about the animals, for example bacteria is the first organism that have life on Earth. We learned about different kinds of organismsthat live in the world, for example in ocean there are different kinds of living things like star fishes and turtles. After that we learned about invertebrates and vertebrates. Invertebrates are the organisms that don’t have a backbone. Vertebrates are the organisms that have backbone. Ex: cow have a backbone, sponge don’t have a backbone. We learned about marine animals and territory animals. Marine are the organisms that live in the ocean only. Ex: Octopus are a marine animal. Territory are the organisms that live on land. Ex: cats are the territory animals. In the water there are a lot of insects. We learned how the insects metamorphosis. Metamorphosis means change. We learned about the metamorphosis are about their life cycle. In class we learned a lot ofthings most things that we learned are about the mammals. Mammals are the organisms that have a baby in their belly and give their baby a milk like a human.

Infographics Desciption

Advanced Enrichment Name: Infographics 1

Learning Facilitator: Jessica

Number of Students: 13

Advanced Enrichment Dates: August 12-Oct 17

Days We Meet: Thursday and Friday

Course Description: In Infographics class we learned about what does infographics mean. Infographics means the way showing information as a chart or diagram. In Infographics we learned to look at the pictures to understand the information and we were so excited to get a chance to looked at an infographic because it was our first time to look at infographics by our own. When we first looked at infographic we got a little confused but the strategies are sometimes to look at the arrow. Infographics might have a lot of pictures but some don’t have a lot of pictures. The pictures that we looked at were about the Earth like when the animals die and decompose and become gasoline or gold. We even looked at infographics about acid rain. At the end of our Advanced Enrichment we made our own infographic about Liger as the same as 100 people. We made our own infographic because we wanted other students and visitors to get some information from our infographic.


World Religions Description

Name of Course: World Religions

Learning Facilitator: Sophorn

Number of Students: 8

Advanced Enrichment dates: October20th, 2013-January 16th, 2014

Days we Meet: Monday-Tuesday


Course Description: In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about the religions in the world. We had learned about three religions already but unfortunately we did not have enough time to learn more. The three religions that we learned are Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. The ways that we learned were like we learned one religion then we had four or five quizzes. The good thing about religion is they make the people better like if you do the good thingsthe good things will come back to you. The not so good thing about religion is they try to make the people better but sometimes they make the people scared like “if you do the bad thing when you are alive then when you die you will become the ghost. The ghost is very bad and when you are alive then you do the bad thing the ghost will​​ choke you to death.” Every religion always had the advantages (good things) and disadvantages (bad things). We learned a lot of key words Ex: Enlightenment: is the state of understanding something Ex: Can you give me any enlightenment on what happened? Monotheism:the doctrine or belief that there is only one God. The place that we learned in was science lab. Sometimes in our class we watched some videos that related to the religions Ex: The history of Buddhism and Three Idiots.