Algebra (Linear and Quadratic equation)

We started the year with Algebra in math class. We started learning about Algebra 2 years ago. This year we are taking it to the next level. This year, we started doing Linear and Quadratic equation. We learn 3 ways to solve the problem. The first one is factorization. The problem would be in a form like this, y= mx+b or ax^2+bx+c. We would try to take pieces  out until the question is down to a form like this (a+b)(x+y) or (a+b)(x-y) or (a-b)(x-y). Whatever comes out(e.g. (x+2)(2x+5)) it always be equal to zero (e.g. (x+2) = 0) then we would find the value of x and plug in the value into the equation and try to find the value of y. Another way to solve the problem is the quadratic equation. The quadratic equation is -b +or- the square root of (b^2 -4ac) over 2. We know which one is a, b and c from the quadratic form(ax^2+bx+c). For example, 5x^2-4x+11. 5 is the value of a, 4 is the value of b and 11 is the value of c. The third way is to graph it on the graphing calculator or people call it TI-84. It was a great and very hard chapter to learn but it was fun.

Khan Academy is one the resources I used to practice.
Khan Academy is one the resources I used to practice.