Entrepreneurship(Chili sauce business)

Everyone in Liger was involved in this project called “Entrepreneurship.” He was trying to come up with a chili sauce that people like and try to run that business. I was in a team called Financial and Pitching team. We list all the expenses to start up the business and to run. We did a lot of planning and we try to find out is it a good business to start and to run. We found out that it is NOT a good business to run which is very unfortunate. This September 2016, my group will present the plan to our founder, Trevor and Agnieszka  and the whole board.

Games Around The World Exploration

It is time again for us to create our own exploration! This time, I want to do something fun. I want to do something I love spending my time doing and that is playing games. This exploration is basically about finding games that people play all around the world and put it in one blog so people from anywhere can play those games. We did surveys, research on the internet, read documents/PDFs, watch videos and do whatever we can to get as many games as possible. We played some of those games a couple times with our friends and on “Sharation.” Check out our blog! Disclaimer: Our blog is not quite done yet.

  • We played games with our friends!